Almost every student in our ministry has a cell phone and they are itching to get it out and use it. I do not want to encourage misuse and distraction, but I figure if it’s available and has ministry potential, I might as well try and leverage it. Here are some ideas you can use to leverage cellphones in your ministry, too:
- Free and pay for options. this service is more than polls. It is robust.
- #yourministry or #yoursermonseries: You probably don’t have enough people tweeting to get your hashtag trending but it is a good way for our students to let their friends know about their church.
- Text a friend: Challenge student to text a friend and ask if there is anything they can pray for. Then have them pray.
- Instagram Video Challenge: Silly videos for announcement, youth group invites and tag friends or “we missed you tonight” video tagging friends. Think of other video reenactments or games you could play.
- Instagram pix with #hashtags: We asked students to snap and post a picture from one of our prayer stations.
- I Love My Youth Group: Ask students to send a 15 second Instagram video saying what they like about their youth ministry. Grab those videos and compile them into a video that you show at one of your programs.
- God is…: Same as “I Love My youth Group” but these can be short testimonies.
- Thought Of The Week: Ask students to Instagram, Tweet, or Facebook a picture of their sermon notes or the “thought of the week.” Or just type up a tweet or facebook status update of their favorite thought, message point, or application. Have them add a #hashtag.
- Cellphone Shootout (free graphics here): This is a game where I give out my cell number and the 1st person to call me gets a prize. If you don’t want to give out your cell number to a room full of obnoxious teens consider getting a free Google Voice number to give out.
- Simply Youth Ministry TOOLS: Have studnets sign up for text blasts and feed them news, announcements and encouragement texts throughout the week.
Help grow this list. What have you done or what is practical to do?
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