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Planning and Productivity
Working with Parents and Volunteers
Personal Growth
Media & Culture
Fortnite, 13 Reasons Why, Snapchat… The shifting currents of culture all play a role in shaping the teenagers you serve, and give you unique opportunities to connect the Gospel to what’s actively forming their identity. What You’ll Find Our Media and Culture section will give you a window into the world of teenage culture. From gaming and movies to TV and technology, we’ll provide expert advice and perspective that will help you to engage with them on a cultural level. We’ll also review the latest gadgets, tools, and tech that can help make your job a bit easier.
Trending in Culture
Media and Tech
Missions & Service
Lessons and Resources
In youth ministry, few things take more time and energy than planning and creating your weekly lessons. From small group outlines, to front-of-the-room messages, there is a lot that goes into the process, and at times it can seem overwhelming. We recognize the grind that can go into weekly lessons, but also believe there’s a few key ideas that will help you thrive rather than just survive. What You’ll Find The Lesson’s and Resources section provides ideas and inspiration for creating, planning and delivering your weekly youth group lessons. From tips on how to make your lessons stick to free ideas to try, we’ll help you create the messages that guide the process of changing your teenagers from the inside out.
Small Group Lessons
Boring Teacher
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