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9 mins

The Sad Reality of Sexual Abuse

My head is spinning. Recently, a man I know—a professing Christian, and a man very involved in ministry—was sent away to prison for a long, long time. He was arrested for, charged with, and pleaded guilty to more than two dozen counts related to the sexual molestation and abuse of multiple girls, most of them tween-agers or younger, all of them were family friends.…

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2 mins

Three Gifts You Can Give Your Ministry Volunteers

My wife, Rachel, doesn’t like to give me a Christmas list. (I’m sitting in Starbucks drinking some sort of holiday themed drink, which serves to remind me that Christmas is just around the corner!) Instead, around this time each year, she expects me to be listening to her cues and “reading between the lines” to decipher things she’d like under the tree.…

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1 min

Recruiting Adult Volunteers for Your Mission Trip

Recruiting Adult Volunteers for Your Mission Trip Adults are crucial to the success of the mission trip, in fact, it’s required. So, how do you get adults as excited about your mission experience?  Here are some of our favorite tips for recruiting awesome adult volunteers: Ask them individually – Pick out adults in your church or adults who are connected to your youth group who qualify to be leaders, and take them out for coffee or ice cream.…

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