In my teen years, I was the epitome of being a hearer only and not DOING what the Word said (James 1:22). I was a believer, but because I believed lies and had little accountability, I lived a double-life.
I see compartmentalized teenage Christians everywhere, everyday. I believe God is calling me to tell teens the Truth about Who Jesus Is and What He expects of us. It is my calling to tell teens how much Jesus loves them no matter how it needs to be said.
I love youth ministry because it is a unique time in our lives. We switch from concrete to abstract thinking. We start asking our own questions and desiring answers that breed more questions to be answered. Others’ footsteps are very important during this life stage so we know which direction to go. The role of a youth leader is about guiding instead of forcing, opening up discussions instead of lecturing.
I love youth ministry because it’s a time of relational importance and our relationship with God is the MOST important. It’s a time of priority and boundary building. It’s a time of firsts, exploration and adventures. It’s a time of insecurity and the need for acceptance. It’s a time of moving beyond ourselves into the yet unknown big people world.
I love youth ministry because it is ever changing and surprises are always on the other end of the phone line. It’s never a dull moment; always a drama, often a comedy and rarely a tragedy or horror movie.
I love youth ministry, because God created me to lead, to teach and train, to love, to empower, and to laugh.
Why do you love youth ministry? Why do you do what you do? What keeps you going?
May you remember why today and remember the importance of your calling! Amen
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Why I love Youth Ministry
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