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The Ministry of Writing | 5 Reasons to Start

I recently read my 6th grade autobiography. I’m so glad Mrs. Leedale gave us that assignment. It was the first time I felt really alive while doing school work. So, I like writing. But even if you don’t there are some great reasons to consider writing in your ministry, for your ministry, and for others connected to your life and ministry.

1) Writing gives us creative space.

Sometimes, this is the only space we have that isn’t scheduled. The page doesn’t demand anything from you but a mindful presence. The only deadlines are the ones you give yourself. Ministry and it’s many asks will always push and minimize the margins in your life. Writing slows you, gives you space, and increases the margin we need to feel connected to the work we are called to do and the people we are called to be.

2) Writing helps us leave an others-centered legacy.

Writing tells us of where we’ve been and what we’ve been about. It helps us with our priorities. When we are reflecting on the past it guides us in preparing for the future. When we give advice about how to do something we get to learn about it twice. We think through the why behind the what of our work and are able to connect it with the who that we are entrusted with loving more than we love ourselves.

3) Writing causes us to be quiet.

I talk too much. Idea people do this. Ministry people do this. We are compelled from places of passion and compassion. These are good things. But there are times when we need silence, solitude, and meditation, to be filled again for God’s service. When I sit down to write, the periphery dissolves and I can think clearly. Prayer happens easily and honesty isn’t uncomfortable anymore, it’s liberating. You’ll be liberated as you write out what has been made right in your midst. The Kingdom of God is worth expressing.

4) Writing about our experiences helps others.

I remember learning the Wesleyan quadrilateral in college and seminary. It’s a methodology for theological reflection accredited to John Wesley. In this method, we can come to theological conclusions by way of examining Scripture (The Bible), Reason (rational thinking and interpretation), Tradition (the history of the church), and Experience (a persons journey with Christ, both individually and as a community).

I have learned so much from the experience of others in ministry. The first five years in ministry were for me, a giant season of observation and application, testing, and experimenting. While I still observe and still try new things, I’ve started to move into a season of sharing that helps others. It’s a wonderful season when you can give out of a healthy indebtedness, out of a grateful heart–knowing that others will be using your experiences to shape their present and newer ministry contexts. You can do this.

5) Writing can be a testimony of the Holy Spirit of God at work.

If we’re being honest, we know that anyone can start a blog. You don’t have to be smart, or good looking, or an expert at anything. You don’t have to be a great writer. There’s even a dog with a blog.

The difference you’ll make as you write? Well, it’s the difference that God makes when His power is made perfect in you. Talk about that and people will see Jesus. And when they see him, they will know him, because they’ll see him for who he is.

Why not write something today? Write to change the world? I’m convinced that it’s legitimately a small world after all—not because Walt Disney or Wi-Fi said so, but because small acts done on purpose with great love are enough to change it.

Brooklyn / @brooklynlindsey

by Brooklyn Lindsey

Brooklyn loves being in the trenches as a youth pastor. For the last seven years, she's served at Highland Park Church of the Nazarene in Lakeland Florida. That's why her Instagram pictures are just so ridiculously awesome. Being surrounded by oceans and a magical place where dream comes true, she can't complain. Brooklyn is a minister, a communicator, and likes to read and write. Her books include: The Kingdom Experiment, Confessions Of A Not-So-Supermodel, Sacred Life, To Save A Life: Devo2Go, Opposite Day, A Parents Guide to Understanding Your Teenage Daughter, and 99 Thoughts for Junior Highers. She is also the co-pastor of a Saturday evening missional community with her husband Coy Lindsey, also at Highland Park. They have two daughters (1st grade and pre-school). There are not pets in the house. But they do have a dog named Chip (who is actually any lizard that they see outside). Preferred mode of transportation: a fixed up beach cruiser. Her favorite snack lately: Sasquatch Big Steak (Teriyaki Beef Jerky) and Frozen Hot Chocolate.

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The Ministry of Writing | 5 Reasons t...

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