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Heart Attract

To help junior highers have a heart for your community play this familiar game with a twist. Tape a large map of the world to the wall at the student’s eye level. Highlight your community. Blindfold the students one at a time spin them around and have them tape a heart as closely as possible to your community.…

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A Lost Art

“I can live for two months on one good compliment.” – Mark Twain We live in a pretty ungrateful society. From your boss, to the parents you try to please, to the students you love, rarely will you ever get all the affirmation you deserve.…

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A Sense of Militancy

Many young adults today know what it’s like to have a sense of militancy; to believe in a cause that is bigger than oneself. We anxiously watch CNN praying for our troops’ safe return. But back here on home soil, we work day in and day out with teenagers that have been given much to aspire to or believe in.…

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Cheap and Easy

As our ministries grow, it becomes natural that our special events and activities grow, too. More students equals bigger events, bigger budgets, more planning, more medical forms, more vans to rent, more volunteers to recruit, more … well just about more everything!…

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