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Jack-O’-Lantern Devotion

Have your group plan and host a harvest party for your church’s children. Make the party’s centerpiece a Halloween devotion. Get a large pumpkin and recruit six group members to help. As your teenagers carve the pumpkin, have them use the following devotion to help remind the children what it means to have Jesus in their hearts: Group Member #1-(Cut out the stem part and pull out the gooey insides.)…

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1 min

In Your Own Language

Preparation: You’ll need Bibles, snacks hidden around your meeting room, several different foreign-language tapes (check your local library for these), and a cassette player for each tape. (If necessary, have kids bring cassette players from home to the meeting.) If you can’t find foreign-language tapes, record five-minute segments of foreign-language cable TV channels.…

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2 mins

Viral Youth Ministry

I’m writing this column during Colorado’s 2006 Holiday Blizzard: Part 2. And like most sequels it’s not something we asked for, it’s overstayed its welcome, it’s even less fun than the original, and it’s full of way too much fluff. One benefit of being stuck at home is that I’ve had lots of time to think about the past year.…

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3 mins

What Matters Most to Teenagers

The award-winning PBS documentary program Frontline tackles the really tough issues—the Iraq war, sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, AIDS and homosexuality, the meth epidemic, and the toughest one of all…the teenage brain. On the must-watch list for youth leaders, Frontline’s "Inside the World of the Teenage Brain" should be a double-must.1 It’s a smart, well-researched, and fascinating roller-coaster ride through the wicked synapses of a teenager’s command-and-control center.…

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