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Do You Have Volunteers or Leaders in Your Organization?

Every great organization has great leadership… period. It’s going to be nearly impossible to become great if your leadership is sub-par. Believe it or not, this relates to churches as well. Many times, in church work, we find ourselves in a tough spot; desperate for help, so we compromise in the area of leadership and we get ‘Volunteers’ to serve in our ministries instead of ‘Leaders.’…

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2 mins

More Than (and Less Than) Dodgeball

I have always liked the title of Josh Griffin’s blog: “More than Dodgeball.” My guess is that titles like “More Than Dodgeball” are in reaction to a youth ministry approach that has been pretty popular in the past 20 years, featuring a bunch of splashing in the kiddy pool without wading into the deep end.…

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2 mins

The Games We Play

My friend Chris at tells me that “Games” is the most popular search word used by youth workers. That makes sense, since I’m always looking for more ways to have fun and create healthy interactions with our teenagers. So in that spirit, here’s my top-five list of both paid-for and free tech-games.…

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