(Podcast) The War on Sin
Season 2, Episode 25: The War on Sin We have lots of choices when we consider what to do about patterns of sin in our life. We can ignore them, explain them away, beat ourselves up about them, or “reframe” them.…
Season 2, Episode 25: The War on Sin We have lots of choices when we consider what to do about patterns of sin in our life. We can ignore them, explain them away, beat ourselves up about them, or “reframe” them.…
In this week’s Whiteboard Wednesday experiment, we take a hard look at our “cultural diet” and consider what wise, Jesus-centered standards we can use for both our own life and for our ministry. The Old Testament urges God’s people to be holy—to set themselves apart from an “unclean” culture.…
Season 2, Episode 24: Dependence > Discipline Jesus is about to send his disciples on a daunting (to say the least) mission, so what does he do to help them out? He takes every last support and comfort from them before they leave.…
In this week’s Whiteboard Wednesday experiment, we explore three ideas to help you maximize travel moments with teenagers this summer—turning “gap time” into “transformation time.” Can two minutes change a person’s life? We know from our own experience that the answer is…of course!…
Season 2, Episode 23: Overcoming a Culture of “Try Harder to Get Better” Continuing our month-long primer on “self-discipline” (and how we’ve turned it into both an idol and a prison), we give lots of practical help for tapping into our TRUE source of life.…
In this week’s Whiteboard Wednesday experiment, we explore a surprising way to “measure” and promote discipleship—or spiritual maturity—in teenagers. Do you know how to measure spiritual maturity in your teenagers? It’s usually one of those “know it when you see it” things.…
Season 2, Episode 22: How to Put Discipline In Its Place In the Jesus-Centered Life, Rick Lawrence offers a path into a life free from all the “shoulds” we like to promote in the church. Join us this week as we dive into Paul’s message—to two different audiences spaced five years apart—regarding the role of discipline in our lives.…
Season 2, Episode 21: 600 Days of 24/7 Moments With Jesus What if your relationship with Jesus were a 24/7 event where he’s invited into every moment, not just a set period of time? What would that look like? Would you laugh with Jesus more?…
In this week’s Whiteboard Wednesday experiment, we remember that Jesus’ primary “teaching” method involves improvised responses amid intentional conversations. Then we’ll learn the basics of teaching in an “improv” way. I was never in a garage band, but whenever I hear a phrase that sounds like the name of a garage band (for example, the other day my daughter said the phrase “dissected squid juice”), I tell people it was actually the name of my band when I was in high school.…
Season 2, Episode 20: Does Everything Happen for a Reason? Everything happens for a reason. All things work together for good. But what does that mean? If God has a plan, what if it isn’t the same as mine? What if the thing he’s keeping from me—that thing I so desperately want—is for my own protection?…