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(Podcast) Does sin come in shades of gray?

When it comes to sin, is there a clear line in the sand that helps define what it is and isn’t? Or is it a gray area where we make our own judgment calls? Join Rick and his special guest Becky (aka the Beckynator) as they continue a month-long series exploring common Biblical beliefs that may not be true by examining sin, what it really is, and what Jesus wants us to do about it.…

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1 min

(Podcast) Followers Who Follow

We call ourselves “followers” of Jesus, but how do you follow when you’re having a hard time seeing where the path is leading? Or…what if you can’t see the path at all? Join Rick and author Mikal Keefer as they discuss what it means to understand God’s will and examine why people, even those close to Jesus, can have a difficult time with it.…

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1 min

(Podcast) The Unreasonable Jesus

Just about everyone likes Jesus. Christians adore him. Muslims respect him. Even Jews think he has interesting things to say. If only Jesus didn’t have a habit of being completely unreasonable. Join Rick and special guest Thomas Christianson (author of the new book The Unreasonable Jesus) as they focus on “mud puddle moments:” passages in the Bible where Jesus says or does something that seems shockingly unreasonable.…

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1 min

(Podcast) Hard is Good…Eventually

Imagine you’re facing hardship and you call out to Jesus. There’s an answer, but maybe it’s not quite what you envisioned or desired. Now what? Join Rick and special guest (and dear friend of the show) Becky Hodges as they examine what it looks like to have a genuine belief in the goodness of Jesus’ heart, particularly when facing dark circumstances.…

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5 mins

Beauty Out of Ugly

The heart is the symbol for Valentine’s Day, which makes what happened Wednesday, in a southern Florida high school, all the more shattering—our hearts are broken and broken again by what feels like an endless parade of violence. I was with youth workers and survivors of the Columbine massacre hours after this cycle of copycat destruction was kicked off in our culture, and four years ago I was trying to help my own daughter recover from the trauma she experienced in her own school shooting.…

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