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Who Wins?

The influence of parents versus the influence of youth ministry: the “other” dualistic battle in youth ministry. A few years back a book was written about youth ministry that focused mainly on family. The book brought up a very good argument that was closely accurate when applied statistically.…

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3 mins

Effective Family Ministry

In all my years as a youth minister I’ve never come across a book that has reflected an appropriate methodology for family ministry in our youth ministry. This has been a great challenge to myself and my volunteers. The more years we put in and the more hurt we saw, the louder the call became to work on the illness and not the symptom.…

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2 mins

The Stay At Home Parent

For years, I have heard it repeated (usually in Christian circles) the importance of having a stay at home parent (usually mom) for kids to grow up healthy. While I still believe that a stay at home parent can have a huge impact on kids, as I got into ministry, I made some surprising discoveries that confronted my assumptions about families with a stay at home parents.…

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