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Teen Tithing?

This can’t be a popular subject but I think the church is being hurt because it is so unpopular…  I have reluctantly taught tithing in youth group over the years but figured out that my reluctance has been a BIG problem. …

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1 min

Love Your Spouse

Married? Not married? Not married, and haven’t had a date in years? Wherever you find yourself today, here are some thoughts about loving your current…or future…spouse. Love unexpectedly.
 Youth workers love surprises—but too often our spouses end up with the predictable and stable part of our lives.…

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4 mins

Taming the Ministry Tongue

Ministry work often feels like a 24/7 job. The hours are long, the parishioners are many, and the needs are great. It is important for all ministry workers to separate themselves at times and focus on all the other wonderful aspects of life outside of church; marriage, children, hobbies, pleasures, rest and so forth.…

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1 min


Thank you for obeying God’s call to do youth ministry: • Thanks for serving. • Thanks for teaching God’s Word to students each week. • Thanks for being silly and fun. • Thanks for be serious, too. • Thanks for listening.…

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2 mins

Jesus Doesn’t Play There!

How often do we give advice that it equivalent to adding EQUAL to cow manure to try to make it easier to swallow for the recipient of our advice? I don’t know about you all out there in ministry world, but for me I struggle with giving the 100% accurate, God-fearing guidance when people come to me with their problem.…

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2 mins

Things 6th Graders Say

“I thought a virgin was somebody with small ears.” A few years ago a sixth grader really said this in a small group that I was helping lead. More recently another interaction with a Middle School student went like this: I asked, “Why did you get pulled out of your small group?”…

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