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Look Again, for the First Time

How do you plan a new year for youth ministry? New challenges, new triumphs, new opportunities to reach students for Jesus? New goals? Where do you sense God’s leading in your ministry to youth… and how will you get there? Take a fresh and prayerful look at your ministry, and consider including these on your list of essential goals: Give students a fresh look at who God really is Teenagers who have never truly discovered God can’t worship him “with deepest awe” (Psalm 5:7).…

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2 mins

The Becoming

Life is a process of becoming. A caterpillar transforms into a butterfly. A maggot mutates into a fly. A teen morphs into adulthood. Creation is in a process of transforming, mutating, morphing—becoming. This becoming, however, is harder than it seems, especially for young leaders in the church.…

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2 mins

Jesus-Style Youth Ministry

Should the “youth” in our youth ministry be our primary focus? Wherever we go these days, we’re introduced as guys who really have a heart for today’s generation of young people. And of course we do. We love teenagers, are quick to defend them, and are passionate about understanding them.…

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2 mins

Any other football fans out there?

I know…I’ve got it bad. So bad, in fact, that I check the Broncos Web site almost daily. I like to keep up with the running pre-season stories and see which underdogs are going to make the team. Given that this is the last week of the pre-season, all of those “on the bubble” players are going to be cut.…

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4 mins

Come to the Quiet

About a month ago God performed a “celebrity smack-down” on me. He was the celebrity, I was the smack-ee. My overlapping responsibilities as editor of GROUP and creator of GROUP Magazine Live (, combined with some chronic health problems in my family, had sucked the life out of me.…

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6 mins

The Day My Friend Died

Mike Yaconelli died suddenly. He was one of my youth ministry heroes but more importantly, a personal friend. I went to the family funeral last week and it’s still difficult to believe that Mike is gone. My friendship with Mike started 17 years ago with a practical joke and ended with Mike praying for me a week before he died.…

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