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Training in the Art of Fire Craft

I’ll never forget my first Boy Scout campout. With every patrol responsible for building its own fire, our beloved Rat Patrol was short one key member: Our patrol leader, 13-year old David Henry. Now absentee Dave was a scout’s scout, the first scout to have ever earned his Eagle before his 13th birthday.…

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Communication: As my predecessor was preparing to vacate his position, I sat down with my head pastor. In doing so he expressed discontent with certain things that were nonexistent within the youth ministry program at that time. I wondered silently why these issues were never discussed with that youth minister, but my musings never made it aloud.…

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2 mins

Personal Growth

Unsolicited=Criticism Sometimes parents answer questions their teenagers aren’t asking. Often it turns into a one-way conversation where the young person’s mind is off someplace else, but he nods his head at the appropriate time to keep the adult happy. Adults feel as though they’re offering wonderful and wise advice—or at least spending tremendous amounts of energy.…

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2 mins

Blaze of Glory

By the time you read this, my church will know that I am resigning and moving on to another church in another state. While I am excited about the new position, it’s not easy to say goodbye to a church I’ve called home for the last five years.…

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1 min

Getting Through It

I’ve talked to several people over the past couple of weeks who are deeply struggling with some issues in their lives. By no means am I the world’s greatest counselor or pastor, but I really believe in some simple advice that we can give for anyone going through a difficult struggle, whether it’s internal or external.…

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5 mins

Excuses, Excuses

As I was reading my Bible the other day, I found myself in Exodus chapter 3—right when Moses was about to come face to face with a bush that was on fire, but was not being consumed. He didn’t know what to do with that, he didn’t have a context to put that one in.…

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3 mins

Safety Nets

The state of Kentucky is one of my favorite states to drive through. The winding roads, green hills, and fields are just some of the beautiful sites to behold. There have been many times, however, I have driven through Kentucky very aware of the steepness of those beautiful hills and the fact that a seemingly thin guardrail was the only thing that was going to protect me and keep me on the road should I start drifting.…

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2 mins

Messy Ministry

Messy—that’s my summary of serving Jesus these days. It’s not the neat, ordered spiritual world I wish I could make it—that would be easier. The truth is that the work of God is messy and youth ministry is messy. It’s not just messy because the games involve copious amounts of Cheetos® and shaving cream.…

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