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2 mins

Son of Rambow

On May 2, 2008 a smaller, British-made film named Son of Rambow debuted on a few hundred screens around the country. That same day a not-as-small, American-made film named Iron Man was released on a few thousands screens. Needless to say Son of Rambow – which made a modestly successful $10 million (as opposed to Iron Man’s $300+ million) – never developed much visibility.…

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3 mins

Student vs Youth: Is There a difference?

Editor’s Note: In the two decades I’ve been editor of group, I’ve only given over my column space one time. Make this #2. I’ve known Christian Smith a long time—he’s the brilliant director of the National Study of Youth and Religion, and is now a professor of sociology at Notre Dame. 
I got to know him when he invited me to join the study’s advisory team seven years ago.…

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4 mins

The Moon Men are Back!

There’s only one place where live broadcasts of girl-on-girl lip locks and rampant use of the bleep button interrupt celebrities who literally fight one another, make sexual gestures, and tell dirty jokes while “thanking God” in the process: The MTV Video Music Awards.…

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5 mins

CPYU Trend Alert: High-End Fashion and Accessories

What do American Eagle, Abercrombie & Fitch, and Hollister have in common? These popular clothing and accessories stores used to be the brand names of choice for most teenagers in this country. Stop by any suburban high school or mall a few years back and you could find teenagers with Hollister or A & F emblazoned on the front of their t-shirts or the well-known eagle of the American Eagle brand embroidered on their polo’s, sweaters, and skirts.…

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5 mins

Girls kissing girls…

A few weeks ago, CPYU’s Chris Wagner gave me a heads-up about a new artist he thought was positioned to land very, very soon on the landscape of today’s youth culture in a big, loud way. He emailed me a link to the video “I Kissed a Girl” on Katy Perry’s website.…

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5 mins

Usher takes a stand

Hypothetically. You just got married and became a parent for the first time, and you wanna release an album about your new life. Would your descriptions include “making love in a club,” or getting it on with your significant other by “trading places” sexually? 


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