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Pastor’s Kids Gone Wild

Editor’s Note: A few years ago Jonathan Acuff launched a little Web site called as a way to riff on the peculiar ways Christians think, talk, and act. Now, fueled by 730,000 online readers in 209 countries, Acuff has published a book titled Stuff Christians Like (Zondervan) as a “field guide to all things Christian.”…

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2 mins

Review: The Wolfman (R)

In recent years we’ve been treated to remakes of nearly all the classic monsters — Dracula, Frankenstein, and the Mummy–and now it’s the Wolfman’s turn.  Unfortunately, it’s a mixed bag–a film that’s not quite sure what it wants to be. The film starts well.…

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4 mins

Pray for Haiti…Talk to Your Friends

Pray for Haiti and give till it hurts, but let this horrible tragedy remind you that there are spiritual earthquakes happening everyday in the lives of your friends who don’t know Jesus. Calamity… Do you know this word? The dictionary defines it as: “An event that brings terrible loss, lasting distress, or severe affliction; a disaster” (…

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4 mins

The Gospel is Afoot!

It’s official… Robert Downey Jr. is more than Iron Man. He’s actor man and mega kudos to him for bringing back one of the coolest characters in all of literary history: Sherlock Holmes. If you didn’t know, the tales of this incredible detective’s adventures have been around for over 120 years.…

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3 mins

Fantastic Mr. Fox

Rated PG I remember, when I was a kid, being endlessly addicted to watching Nickelodeon. I loved it. Everything from Sharon, Lois, and Bram’s Elephant Show and David the Gnome to Double Dare and GUTS (I’m not sure why that one was always in all caps).…

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3 mins

Inglourious Basterds

(Rated R) There are lots of people (guys mostly) who are able to memorize and recite an endless amount of statistics about multiple sports, teams, and players. They can tell you the years that certain teams won championships, who scored when during certain games, and what records each of those players set.…

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