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Feeling Small

January 20, 2009. A historical day for the nation as our first African American President took the oath of office. I love inauguration day. I’m always amazed at the spectacle that plays out when we witness the peaceful transfer of power.…

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The Reward of Patience

I suffered with it. I’ll admit it. Most youth workers do…or at least most that I know. Not real sure how I got it though. I think it’s just part of our society. The “bigger is better” mentality. I was only 5 years into youth ministry and I had already bought into the notion that my “goal” was to grow the biggest, flashiest youth ministry in town.…

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I met God at a football game. A few weeks ago, I was asked to go to the U of M- Utah football game. My friend’s father had four season tickets for their family, and her brother and sister couldn’t make it.…

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My Support Group

Over the past year, our church has been talking about pursuing the call and passions that Jesus has laid on your heart with reckless abandon. I’m not sure that our pastor realized what a great job he was doing until we decided to take time away from our church to go to Africa and serve at The Living Hope Community Centre.…

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