I gave up a TV show I love
I made a good decision this weekend, but it took me a bit too long to make it. I decided to stop watching a show I used to love. Several years ago, I went through a real intense growth period in my Christian life.…
I made a good decision this weekend, but it took me a bit too long to make it. I decided to stop watching a show I used to love. Several years ago, I went through a real intense growth period in my Christian life.…
Typically, it’s from a couch, behind a music stand, in the middle of a home renovation, at a restaurant or around a campfire. The youth pastors pulpit can and has been anywhere and everywhere. If youth frequent a location or have established a comfortable spot to be open and trusting…well that’s where we’ll worship.…
One of the most difficult things to get teenagers to do is to think about the future. They live in the now! As this new decade has started many have talked about what our world will look like in 2020. Many predictions about the economy, climate, and status of our country have been made.…
You may be wondering why I feel so compelled to write a column on ministry to girls? Here’s my story: Growing up, I felt I needed to prove myself-in school, in sports, and especially in the church. It felt like most of the leaders were men and their attention went straight to the guys in our group; the girls were often an afterthought.…
Christ, in the Gospel of John chapter 15, makes his final “I am” statement. He calls himself the “true vine” and God the Father the “vine dresser.” In the analogy, we, the followers of Christ, are the branches that come off of the vine.…
Is it possible, to love unconditionally? With no strings attached? Or even sacrificially? That it costs so much it actually hurts? I mean, we all know of God’s sacrificial, unconditional love…but as we try to become more like Jesus, are we able to love like him?…
A buzz of conversation suddenly reaches my ears during the middle of a worship set. At the completion of the song, I snag the microphone and ask, “Hey, can someone tell me the three times when we ask you not to talk and participate?”…
Teachable Moments By Gregg Farah As a youth worker, I’m called by God to love Him and serve others. One of the best ways to do that is to turn the interruptions, challenges, and frustrations of ministry and life into teachable moments.…
Are you Dumber than a Mentalist? One thing is for sure…there is no way I could be a mentalist. You know, guys like Patrick Jane who have the perfect hairstyle and can pull off cool mind-reader stuff by pure powers of observation.…
This weekend I got to watch Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls. A crazy Russian lady wants to control the minds of 1950s Western society and turn them into communists without anyone even knowing its happening. Classic Indiana Jones, am I right?…