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2 mins

One on One Times with Students is Irreplaceable

Today I spent 45 minutes with a high school sophomore. Last week it was two different seniors—an 8th grader and a student I am mentoring. Each of these conversations produced a variety of topics but each one was ended with a “thanks for meeting with me” or “thanks for making time for this conversation.” 
Student ministry has a misconception in that “everyone belongs.” …

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6 mins

Q&A With Jeffrey Wallace

Editor’s Note: Jeff Wallace is an anomaly. He’s a longtime African-American youth ministry innovator in the urban world who feels just as comfortable in the outer-space of the white suburban world. He’s a respected strategist in the urban ministry context, but has used ideas he co-opted from the suburban world to invigorate his approach.…

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1 min

Partnering with Parents

Yesterday’s article on starting a parent ministry resonated with many readers so we’re back today with a few more tips for partnering with parents. A healthy youth ministry has great parent interaction, involvement and information—here are a few ideas to help you connect with the parents of the students in your ministry.…

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3 mins

Fruit Snacks

The past few years in ministry have changed the way I disciple students. If you would have asked me just a few weeks ago how discipleship works I would have told you that once a student comes to Christ, spend time with them, eat meals together, ask the hard questions, support their sports teams, and get connected with their family, then you will see fruit.…

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