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Why Does Your Youth Ministry Exist?

The beginning of a new school year is a great time to do a quick youth ministry “check up” .  A perfect question to ask is, “Why does our youth ministry exist?”  If you can’t clearly define why your ministry exists, then you will likely be tossed about by the most recent trends, the coolest fads, and the loudest voices. …

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2 mins

25 Questions to Help Debrief Your Youth Ministry Summer Calendar

Last week we talked about debriefing your summer calendar, and we got a great response from it (largely asking the question, “how?”) and thought it might be good to devote a whole article on the topic. So today we’re going to list 20 questions to help you begin to evaluate your summer youth ministry calendar: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Equip your adult volunteers & students to grow as leaders in your ministry.…

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4 mins

Tips on Evaluating a Ministry

Recently, while I was talking with a new youth worker, he asked me what advice I had on how to evaluate a ministry. Beyond being thankful that this youth worker, in his first year of full-time ministry, saw the importance of evaluation, this question forced me to think through what I believe are some essentials to effective ministry evaluation.…

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