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Planning a Great Summer Calendar

Want to have a great summer? As youth workers that have planned summers that have both crushed and crashed—let us share some tips for planning a great summer calendar. Don’t wait until the pressure is on. Here’s some good news right up front: If you’re thinking about summer now, you’re in good shape.…

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2 mins

The Future of the Church (Josh)

The future of youth ministry sure is a topic that has been getting some play for a while. And while that is very interesting to me, I thought it might be interesting to think about what we know is going to happen to the whole church in a few years: The students in your ministry will be the parents in your church in 10 years The students you are counseling, nudging and caring for are the parents in your church in a few years.…

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Love Your Spouse

Married? Not married? Not married, and haven’t had a date in years? Wherever you find yourself today, here are some thoughts about loving your current…or future…spouse. Love unexpectedly.
 Youth workers love surprises—but too often our spouses end up with the predictable and stable part of our lives.…

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Do You Have Volunteers or Leaders in Your Organization?

Every great organization has great leadership… period. It’s going to be nearly impossible to become great if your leadership is sub-par. Believe it or not, this relates to churches as well. Many times, in church work, we find ourselves in a tough spot; desperate for help, so we compromise in the area of leadership and we get ‘Volunteers’ to serve in our ministries instead of ‘Leaders.’…

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