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3 mins

Revolutionizing Youth Ministry

Revolution: "A sudden or momentous change in a situation; to overthrow the current system for something radical and fresh" Youth ministry needs a revolution. It needs to be overthrown, retooled and reborn. The majority of what passes as youth ministry is organized babysitting: songs, games, a short devo and pizza afterward…yippee!…

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3 mins

Road-Trip Outreach Ideas

Road trips are a biblical staple. In fact, some of the greatest Bible stories involve road trips. The tale of the good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37) is a good example. While on a trip from Jerusalem to Jericho, a Samaritan traveler comes upon a man beaten, robbed, and dying by the side of the road.…

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10 mins

The D Word

Utter it in some churches and you’ll be damned (no, “damn” is not the word.) This is a word that causes many pastors, Sunday school teachers and deacons to cringe (no, “deacons” is not the word either.) It is such a catalytic word that it has triggered military action over the centuries and overthrown entire countries.…

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