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soulCARE: recharge your creativity

Everyone can be creative…regardless of how loud they declare, “I’m just not creative.” You can be! Creativity is part of God’s design within us and when we express our God-given creativity it can make our soul come alive. Creativity in youth ministry happens anytime you think about a new way to serve your students.…

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OUCH! why the critics squawk

If you’re a leader you can’t escape it—you will be criticized. Criticism is aimed at leaders because everyone (including leaders) is imperfect and hurting and hurting people end up hurting others. At the beginning of one’s leadership journey it’s very difficult to try to separate personalized criticism into a truth or untruth category–criticism jumps straight to personal hurt.…

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Surrender. What a “losing” kind of word. White flags. Giving up. Captive in enemy territory. Someone told me this week that I wasn’t very good at surrendering. I scoffed. “You’ve obviously never seen me play Monopoly…or try to win an argument with my wife…or endeavor to lose 20 pounds.…

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