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4 mins

Joshua Harris and the ‘Purity Problem’ With Teenagers

We are shorthand people who prefer shorthand solutions to complex problems. That’s true in life, and it’s true in youth ministry. In the past, our shortcut paths to deeper discipleship included… • What Would Jesus Do—”Go beyond your identity as a church-attender and have the courage to live like Jesus.…

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2 mins

Leading Through Distractions

Distractions define youth ministry because it’s a relational calling, and relationships are an engine for distraction. And if you’re like me, distractions are like catnip—three years ago a test for ADHD came back positive, though my friends could’ve told you that without a test.…

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2 mins

To the Class of 2020…

Like many of you, we’ve been walking with this year’s senior class through the heartbreaking loss of their final high school semester. The conversations are raw, varied, and emotional. These teenagers are grieving, and their struggle is similar to those who are grieving the loss of a loved one.…

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1 min

A Teenager’s Message of Racial Lament

On Pentecost Sunday Calebe Silva, a teenager in New Jersey, opened his church’s Zoom church service with a short reading from Isaiah, followed by a piercing lament over the grief and pain the African-American community is experiencing right now (in the wake of the protests over the murder of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police).…

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2 mins

(Podcast) Freedom with Sarah Bessey

Season 2, Episode 014: Freedom with Sarah Bessey What is Jesus hoping to set you free from? If you’ve grown up in Christianity, you probably know all about conviction and sin. But what if there’s more to the story? If Jesus came to set captives free, what does that really look like in our life?…

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1 min

(Podcast) What Jesus Says About Your Body

Season 2, Episode 16: What Jesus Says About Your Body We’re wrapping up our month-long theme on identity, be sure you go back and listen to all four episodes in the series. We couldn’t finish a series on identity without talking about body image.…

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2 mins

How should students REALLY celebrate Christmas?

Christmas can bring out the best in us. Unfortunately, it can also bring out the worst in us. (Need convincing…watch a Black Friday video where someone gets trampled so others can save $20 on a TV.) I find I often forget that part of my job is to also help students understand Christmas.…

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2 mins

(Podcast) When Jesus Names You

Season 2, Episode 013: When Jesus Names You Who does Jesus say I am? When I first met Rick, he talked a lot about this question. He said it was the second most important question in life. That question scared me, because I’ve been raised in a world of broken mirrors.…

communication prayer
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3 mins

The Power Of Communication

This morning I walked into staff prayer, and true confession time, I didn’t want to be there. I knew it was expected that I showed up, I even knew it would be beneficial yet, still my “to-do list” was looming at the forefront of my brain.…

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