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Justice League
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4 mins

Watching “Justice League” With a Jesus Filter

You can’t save the world alone. But do you even feel like saving the world at this point in your life? Those deep concepts are at play in the new movie Justice League. Months after Superman’s death, the world has become a thoroughly dark, depressed place.…

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3 mins

When Life Hurts, the Kingdom of God Helps

We live in the Kingdom of God, even when pain overwhelms us. Christine’s mom had been sick for a long time, so hospice sent her home to be comfortable and surrounded by family. We’d had numerous conversations with Christine and her siblings.…

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1 min

(Podcast) Daring to Live Supernaturally

Season 2, Episode 41: Daring to Live Supernaturally Welcome to part three of our series on the supernatural. We started off by defining the supernatural. Then last week we tackled the ugly underbelly of the supernatural, plus how you can spot red flags.…

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3 mins

Student Leaders or Knights and Dames?

Knighthood. Kingdoms. Castles, kings, and queens. They’re all very noble—very The Crown. After binge-watching that show on Netflix, I spent some serious time on Google to discover what it actually means to be knighted by a royal. Because if the Kingdom of God is, well, a kingdom, then surely some parallels must exist.…

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1 min

(Podcast) Spotting Supernatural Red Flags

Season 2, Episode 40: Spotting Supernatural Red Flags From gold dust falling from the sky to people giving a word from God without permission, encountering the supernatural can be confusing (and even hurtful) sometimes. This week we kick-off part 2 of our series on the supernatural (Missed episode 1?…

A boy standing in front of a large glass wall.
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3 mins

Five Ways to Respond to Teenagers’ Doubts

“I still tell people about how great and accepting our youth group was,” a 30-year-old recently shared with me. When I was his youth pastor years ago, “Mike” never took the big step of becoming a Christian. Back then he described himself as an atheist-meets-Wiccan.…

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2 mins

8 Ways to Extend Your Influence Post-Graduation

When our teenagers graduate from high school, our “shepherd” calling means they don’t graduate from our lives. Most churches offer very little for college-age students—that means your voice and presence in their lives is still primary. We care and connect with our kids, no matter how old they get!…

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3 mins

Whiteboard Wednesday: Going Into the Cave

In this week’s Whiteboard Wednesday experiment, Rick explores five crucial practices that make it possible to “go into the cave” on behalf of students or their parents—five things that give us the foundation to offer real help in times of great trauma, tragedy, or challenge.…

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