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Summer = Serving Everyone But…

For most youth workers, the start of summer ushers in a different pace of life for our families and ministries. Some of us experience a huge increase in activities and events, even as our own children get out of school and expect to have time to relax.…

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The Ultimate Counseling Advice

It’s the kind of telephone call no youth leader ever wants to receive. One of our teenagers just attempted suicide—twice in one hour. So where am I in the midst of this trauma? Right by the young man’s side in the hospital, giving the kind of encouragement and hope every youth leader would want to give?…

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Help, I Have an Aspie in my Youth Group – Pt. 1

In a setting which relies heavily on spoken and written words the Asperger’s child is at a disadvantage. With a growing awareness of Asperger’s and its nuances youth ministries need to adjust some of their practices to make it more accessible to those who have traits of or a diagnosis of the disorder.…

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3 Ways to Engage Teenagers In a Busy World

I recently stopped in a specialty shop to buy a birthday present. The owner was British, and we started chatting about the differences between America and his homeland. “Americans are really busy,” he said. “Everyone has so much to accomplish all the time.…

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4 mins

Why My Teen Hates Your Small Group

For as long as I can remember I have been the poster child for relationally driven ministry. Perhaps it’s because I came out  of the roller skating party era of youth group where it was more about programs than going deep.…

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Crafting a Better Mission Statement

It’s just two words long. “Spreading ideas.” That’s the new mission statement for TED, a unique organization known for its thought-instilling conferences and powerful, mini-presentations on Technology, Entertainment and Design. The company’s former mission statement was “Ideas worth spreading.” Still, TED does have a more comprehensive understanding of what that means.…

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3 mins

Love this Idea: The CROSS-Mas Tree

What if finding Christ in Christmas doesn’t have to be an uphill battle? I saw something recently via a friend of a friend that you’ll now be able to see in our church building. It’s called a “CROSS-mas Tree.” When I saw it, I thought, “That’s awesome… one more way to remind us what Christmas is all about.…

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3 Things You’ll Never Hear Me Say in the Spring

Three things you’ll never hear me say in the spring: 1)    Everyone’s camp balances are paid in full! 2)    I spent way too much time with my small group leaders this semester. 3)    I wish these 8th graders would hurry up and transition to high school.…

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Church Background Checks: The Foundation for Safety in Your Church

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. The most recent figures from the 2014 Children’s Defense Fund’s Annual State of America’s Children report that 1,825 children are abused or neglected each day in the U.S. And considering it’s believed that less than 10 percent of sexual abuse cases are ever reported to authorities, the number of actual incidents each year is far greater.…

Reverse Mentoring
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Mentoring in Reverse

Recently my teenage daughter Lucy and three of her friends completed a six-minute documentary exploring the worldwide human-trafficking problem, then submitted it for a school assignment. They designed a full-color trifold brochure as a companion piece and created a stress ball with the word “Enough” printed on it as a “sellable item.”…

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