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2 mins

To Fall Retreat or Not To Fall Retreat?

Summer is over, students are back in school, and weekends are filled with football. Oh, how I love the fall. Having been in my current role less than two years, I am still in the early stages of the “figuring out the culture of our group” learning curve.…

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2 mins

Bi-Believer Ministry

Not long ago I got off the phone with a “profoundly unhappy” mom whose daughter is a regular in our youth ministry.  She launched into a long, emotional tirade about our ministry’s openness to “those kids”—teenagers who don’t yet love or follow Jesus. …

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3 mins

Make “Less” Your “More” in Your Holiday Planning

From the last porch light of Halloween through the last light of the Christmas tree, our holiday schedules are packed! Cramming their way into our margins are school Christmas parties, staff get-togethers, and family dinners—and we haven’t even touched decorating, cooking, shopping, and wrapping.…

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2 mins

Only Small Ones: The Subtle Secret to Big Wins

We may never see the end results, but that is the difference between the master builder and the worker.  We are workers, not master builders. We are prophets of a future not our own. (Cardinal Dearden, 1979) We had pulled together a handful of youth workers from our city for a little mutual encouragement (and pizza). …

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2 mins

(PODCAST) In His Image: Work

Join Rick as he dives into the sixth episode of a new series IN HIS IMAGE. Today we’ll be exploring why Work is a core expression of Jesus’ heart, and why he honors effort but not earning. Work is the transformational expression of His redemptive love, and is therefore central to who we are.…

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2 mins

(PODCAST) In His Image: Relaxed

Join Rick as he dives into the seventh episode of the series IN HIS IMAGE. Today we’ll be exploring why Relaxed is theologian Dallas Willard’s favorite one-word description of Jesus. When we “live and breathe and move” from a relaxed place in our life, we are fully living our dependent relationship with Jesus.…

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3 mins

(PODCAST) In His Image: Presence

Join Rick as he dives into the eighth episode of the series IN HIS IMAGE. Today we’ll be exploring an overlooked but crucial aspect of how Jesus lived His life—the word is “Presence.” Jesus lived in “a state of active, open attention on the present,” which is how the editors of Psychology Today describe “mindfulness,” a New-Agey word that is actually rooted in how Jesus engaged His environment and exercised influence in His relationships.…

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1 min

FREEBIE Discussion-Starter: Young People Join Marches for Equality

INSTRUCTIONS: Spark conversations about biblical truth by discussing the “News Nugget” below. Bring it up in conversation, as a discussion-starter at the beginning of your gathering, as a small-group discussion-starter, or as part of a Bible study. Add any additional information and new developments.…

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4 mins

True Grit

A couple of mornings every week, I walk my middle-school daughter and my cabin-fever dog to the bus stop on the corner before I head off to work. We live in Denver, and during the winter months it’s as cold as you think it’s supposed to be in the “Mountain” time zone.…

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3 mins

From the Belly of the Apocalypse

My home-based youth group (called Pursuing the Heart, Not the Recipes) meets every Tuesday night—20-ish teenagers from six churches and five schools, and from freshmen to seniors. When the college students are on break, it balloons up to 25 or so.…

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