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3 mins

Whiteboard Wednesday: Playing on Jesus’ Playground

In this week’s Whiteboard Wednesday experiment, we upend the way we frame our relationship with Jesus—from a serious slog through principles and disciplines to an adventure on the playground. Here’s how you can help your teenagers re-imagine their life as a disciple in the childlike way that Jesus, over and over, urged us to embrace.…

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2 mins

4 Ideas for Connecting With Parents

As the launch of a new school year approaches, remember to include on your calendar some strategic touchpoints with parents. It’s essential to partner with them and be available as you work together to nurture teenagers and their faith. Being available makes a profound positive statement to parents and boosts their confidence in you as a youth worker.…

Smarter transformational youth ministry
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2 mins

SMARTER Youth Ministry in 2022

It’s time to take a smarter approach to youth ministry. Transformative ministries do not focus on the what of ministry—they persistently pursue the why of ministry. The reasons why we reach out and serve people in our community will always connect more deeply to the heart of Jesus than a focus on what will reach people in our community—a more contemporary worship band, a bigger sanctuary, more services, or a new youth ministry model, for example.…

Asking Hard Questions About Our Priorities
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3 mins

Asking Hard Questions About Our Priorities

For youth workers, it’s an itch that won’t go away… We know there’s something different about Generation Z, but a recent Barna report claims that today’s teenagers are mirror images of their Millennial older brothers and sisters… If that’s true, here’s a quick snapshot of what that means: They are success-driven and focused on achieving.…

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3 mins

Planting a Culture of Hope In Your Ministry

In all of my years working with teenagers, I’ve never met a more impressive group than those I’ve met at Hope House of Colorado. These determined young women have overcome generational poverty, pushed through impossible situations, and inspired entire communities to be better and do better.…

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3 mins

Recruiting a Ninja Team

Each summer for the last three years, our youth ministry has served our city through a weeklong local mission trip called “I HEART LINCOLN” (or I❤LNK). Our teenagers pay a $100 fee and are placed on a team with two leaders—each team is assigned a pre-arranged service project organized by a local organization in our city.…

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2 mins

Back-to-School: The 7 First Steps

In an extended pick-your-brain session with longtime youth pastor Ralph Paige, I sat with a group of young youth workers eager to learn from Ralph’s veteran wisdom as another school year rockets off the launching pad. In Part 1 of this series, Ralph focused on the foundational importance of prayer.…

Bill Hybels
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6 mins

When Mega-Leaders Mega-Let-You-Down

By my calculations, I’ve stolen around 14 minutes of face time with Pastor Bill Hybels. That number adds up to the time I attended Willow Creek Community Church as a teenager, interned there as a young adult, considered a key ministry role with them a decade ago, and randomly spoke with Bill at conferences.…

Michael Novelli interview
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6 mins

Q&A: Michael Novelli on Life-Changing Teaching

EDITOR’S NOTE: Michael Novelli was a full-time youth pastor for 13 years before he launched his own ministry called Echo (, helping both young people and adults learn through the art of “Storying,” an experiential and dialogical approach to growing deep in relationship with God.…

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