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[Jesus-centered] In Pursuit of Lesser Gods

This weekend the new documentary The Armstrong Lie debuted. The film explores the Lance Armstrong scandal from an unusual perspective—less interested in the well-publicized ways the seven-time Tour De France winner lied about using performance-enhancing drugs to dominate the cycling world and more interested in the way so many people have steadfastly refused to accept the bitter truth about him.…

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What Legacy Will You Leave?

I received this text the day it happened.  “Paul Walker is dead.” My mind stretched and searched and I could not think if this was someone I was supposed to know. (Maybe I live in a cave?) After being informed he is the face of the “Fast & Furious Franchise,” I honestly wasn’t sure how to feel about this guy I knew nothing about.…

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2 mins

[Creativity] The Curse of Invisibility

The other day I was standing in the checkout lane at our neighborhood grocery store, waiting to pay while the checker scanned a few things. After her initial (grunted) “hello,” she paid no attention to me. Instead, she talked with a co-worker about how sick of her job she was, and how she wished she could move from a “regular” lane to the self-check lanes so she wouldn’t have to interact with people.…

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