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Love Hurts!

My brain never stops. My mind is constantly racing with thoughts about creating something new, improving something old, or eating something sugary. I can’t help myself. I should probably consider meds. The toughest part of managing a distracted brain is resisting the temptation to shift from being a creative to a critic.…

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Student Ministry and Divorce: The Numbers You’ve Heard Wrong

” ‘Christians divorce at roughly the same rate as the world!’ It’s one of the most quoted stats by Christian leaders today. And it’s perhaps one of the most inaccurate.” – Glenn Stanton Raise your hand if you’ve ever heard a pastor, youth pastor, Sunday school teacher, or any Christian for that matter, say that the divorce rate for Christians is the same as the divorce rate for non-Christians?…

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Surviving Vacation

It’s summer—the time of year when most of us ministry workaholics finally take a vacation. And while vacations are supposed to be times of relaxation, rest, and rejuvenation, they can often become just the opposite. Especially if you have kids! During our nine years of marriage we’ve experienced some awesome vacations, and plenty of hellish ones, too.…

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Family Tradition

As youth workers, we typically cringe at the thought of tradition. We think it’s part of some residual trauma leftover from trying to do relevant youth ministry while church members chant angrily, “We’ve never done it that way before.” Too often the need to protect tradition has become an enormous barrier in youth ministry.…

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5 Paradigm Shifts for Parents

Last month, my wife and I attended some seminars by my friend Christopher Yuan. Along with his parents, Christopher shared his struggles with homosexuality, drug addiction, HIV, and Christianity. If you have never heard him speak before, do so. One of the seminars was done by Yuan’s parents, and focused on helping parents renew their minds towards their gay children.…

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