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(Podcast) 600 Days of 24/7 Moments With Jesus

Season 2, Episode 21: 600 Days of 24/7 Moments With Jesus

What if your relationship with Jesus were a 24/7 event where he’s invited into every moment, not just a set period of time? What would that look like? Would you laugh with Jesus more? Would you start to feel like you have a regular, everyday friendship with him? What would that look like?

Join Becky and author Stephanie Hillberry as they unpack a journey they embarked on nearly 600 days ago. It involved removing the boundaries that can sometimes artificially exist in a typical quiet time. They began by reading the book The Jesus-Centered Life and have experienced a deeper connection with Jesus that occurs in everyday moments.

During this episode, Stephanie shares about the process of writing some of the newest products in the Jesus-Centered line, including The Jesus Interruption (a unique devotional created specifically for busy mothers) and Namesake (a coloring book/devotion that helps you discover who Jesus says you truly are).

Join the Pigs. Are you ready to go all in with Jesus? Ready to live a life that’s free because it’s wholly dependent on Jesus? Are you ready to slow down and wallow in the mud-puddle stories of Jesus? Join the Pigs. We’ll invite you in on exclusive behind-the-scenes insights, ask your opinion, pray for you, and connect you to other Pigs inside our private Facebook group. Join Here.


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(Podcast) 600 Days of 24/7 Moments Wi...

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