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When Tragedy Hits Your Ministry

There are different types of tragedy that strike our ministries. Sometimes they happen to students under our care, other times it is an illness or accident or a devastating choice a student makes that ends in pain.  the scenarios can vary, but in my experience the feelings that follow almost always are the same:  grief, hurt and a helplessness that there is nothing you can “do” to “fix” the situation.…

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3 mins

A Pandemic of Over-Connection

Full Disclosure: Because today’s technologies have a forming influence on our spiritual, emotional, and psychological “shape,” I’ve stubbornly resisted getting a smartphone, preferring instead my now-ancient flip phone. We’ve decided to not have cable TV in our home, “screen time” in general is limited, and I have a teenage daughter who saw such profound impact on her friendships when cell phones entered the picture that she refuses to use one.…

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