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[Homosexuality] Practically Speaking

Time to get highly pragmatic: Theology =   What you believe about God. Practical Theology = How you put into practice what you believe about God. Concerning a theology of sexuality: I’ve discovered most youth pastors have one. Concerning a practical theology of sexuality: I’ve discovered that most youth pastors are wrestling with what a practical theology of sexuality should look like in their churches and the ministries they lead.…

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2 mins

Focus on What Interests Your Junior Highers

First off, I realize this title may be the most obvious declaration in the history of column-writing. But I need constant reminding of this simple truth: [tweet_dis]Junior high ministry is about junior highers, not about me.[/tweet_dis] Let me paraphrase Abraham Lincoln, who said, “When I write a speech, I spend 75 percent of my time thinking about what the audience wants to hear and 25 percent thinking about what I want to say.”…

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