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Faith Abandonment (Part 1)

The various authors writing these (hopefully) helpful articles every day are entering a new season. Instead of an assigned topic for the week, we are each free to write about whatever we want.  My articles appear every Wednesday. So I thought instead of everything I write being completely random, I’d pick a theme for each month and write four or five thoughts on that topic.…

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1 min


Youth who are visually impaired need to orient themselves to the group setting in a different manner than those who are sighted. They will need to understand the group environment, including the position of all the participants and the format or structure of learning activities such as readings, or breakout discussions, so that they can prepare for them in advance.…

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4 mins

Church, Change Your Mindset.

When I talk about identity, sexuality, and the gloriousness of God’s grace, I continually go back to two passages of scripture: Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 6:11, and John’s words in 1 John 3:1-3. To me, these passages highlight a lot about the ground we stand upon, God’s love, our new identity, and the freedom offered through Christ.…

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