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(Podcast) The Necessity of Risk

It’s often frowned upon in parenting, but celebrated in the world of entrepreneurs. It’s necessary in extreme sports, but can be dangerous in relationships. It’s RISK and it’s one of the main ways Jesus develops grit in us. Join Rick and special guest Stephanie Hillberry as they celebrate the release of the new book, Spiritual Grit, by discussing what it means to risk in a culture often obsessed with safety.…

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(Podcast) Does sin come in shades of gray?

When it comes to sin, is there a clear line in the sand that helps define what it is and isn’t? Or is it a gray area where we make our own judgment calls? Join Rick and his special guest Becky (aka the Beckynator) as they continue a month-long series exploring common Biblical beliefs that may not be true by examining sin, what it really is, and what Jesus wants us to do about it.…

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