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becoming a catalytic leader (part 2)

It’s a new year, so we’re looking at some ways to stay on top of our game and continue to impact the students God has entrusted to our care. We’re looking at specific actions that seem to appear within catalytic leaders. Here is another observation we’ve made about higher-end leaders:

Get excited about ministry again at next year’s SYM Conference with
Doug Fields, Louie Giglio, and Ruth Haley Barton. Music by MATT MAHER,


TWO: catalytic leaders nurture their curiosity

This action takes yesterday’s action (commitment to learning) and supercharges it. Catalytic leaders seem to have minds that don’t allow them to settle for what’s easy and/or apparent. It’s tragic when a leader is comfortable with “How Things Are.” It’s a potential train wreck when a youth worker accepts ignorance. The result? A ministry doesn’t experience growth as well as good things God may have planned. Complacency is a potential pitfall for all leaders. It’s natural to seek comfort and stability, but those actions guide leaders to becoming stuck. You want to be a stronger leader? Nurture your curiosity.

Catalytic leaders have developed the habit of cultivating their curiosity. It’s a fire within that needs a steady supply of mental wood to burn bright. Why is curiosity important? Because without an element of curiosity, we will never discover new possibilities, opportunities, or solutions. Effective leaders recognize that they need to seek if they are going to find. It’s a myth to believe that most great ideas are simply flashes of insight. Great ideas and deep insights come from hard work, from deep thinking, constant reflecting, and searching long and hard for ”another way” and answers to “what if?” 

Get excited about ministry again at next year’s SYM Conference with
Doug Fields, Louie Giglio, and Ruth Haley Barton. Music by MATT MAHER,


Be curious about what’s happening in your student’s lives, you may be able to empower or encourage them in a way no curriculum could ever predict.

Be curious about what God is doing through other leaders in your church. You might discover a new way to serve in your ministry.

Be curious and consider deeply what God is doing in your life, for the your best ministry will happen out of the overflow of what God is doing in your heart.

becoming a catalytic leader (part 2)

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