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FREEBIE: 12 Back To School Discussion Questions

Cash loans online Goodbye, Summer. Hello, School.

Kick off the new school year by engaging students in some fun, meaningful conversations. Here are a few suggested ways you can use these questions:

  • You likely won’t have time to use all 12 questions, so it’s best that to select a handful in advance.
  • Use the questions as icebreakers for your midweek or weekend gathering. Choose two or three that either relate to your topic or will work best your students talking.
  • You can also modify the questions to be used as text message to get students thinking. Or use the questions on social media to launch some memorable discussions.

1. Amazing athletes competed in the Olympics this year. If you could participate in any of the events in the Summer Games, which would you choose, and why?

2. Of all the movies you watched or books you read this summer, which character did you connect with the most, and why?

3. Take a piece of paper and pencil or pen, and draw a picture that illustrates your summer. Then form groups of three or four and discuss your pictures.

4. Spend five minutes searching through the Bible for a verse that reflects your prayers and desires for this new school year. Then find a partner and explain the verse you selected. Pray for each other, using your chosen Scriptures as the foundation for your prayers.

5. Find one item in your meeting area/youth room that illustrates something you learned or experienced this summer. Then form pairs or trios and explain the meaning behind the item you chose.

6. Read Micah 6:8. During this new school year, what would it look like to do what is right? to love mercy? to walk humbly? Be as specific as possible.

7. What three words best illustrate or explain your biggest prayer need as you begin the new school year? Form groups of three or four, share your words with your group, and then pray for one another.

8. What class are you most excited about this year—and why? Which class are you least eager to endure—and why? Is it possible for someone to choose to be excited about every class? Why or why not?

9. How did you witness someone demonstrating kindness or compassion this summer? What’s a specific way that you demonstrated those character qualities?

10. What three specific things can you do to make this school year better than last year?

11. What’s one important lesson you learned about life or faith this summer? How will this lesson affect you in this new school year?

12. What family experience from the summer will you still be talking about in 10 years? Why was it so memorable?

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