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Putting your experiences to work

If you’re anything like me you have started more journals than you’ve finished. For a while there it seemed to me that every trip to Barnes & Noble resulted in the purchase of a new genuine imitation leather journal. I had high aspirations for every journal I purchased; I intended each one to be filled cover to cover with daily reflections on life and leadership.…

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4 mins

Taming the Ministry Tongue

Ministry work often feels like a 24/7 job. The hours are long, the parishioners are many, and the needs are great. It is important for all ministry workers to separate themselves at times and focus on all the other wonderful aspects of life outside of church; marriage, children, hobbies, pleasures, rest and so forth.…

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1 min


Thank you for obeying God’s call to do youth ministry: • Thanks for serving. • Thanks for teaching God’s Word to students each week. • Thanks for being silly and fun. • Thanks for be serious, too. • Thanks for listening.…

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