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Youth Ministry Minute

rick’s been editor of group for 19 years. that’s a long time. you can reach him at About a month ago I went to a presentation by Dr. David Walsh, founder and president of the National Institute on Media and the Family (…

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6 mins

The Day My Friend Died

Mike Yaconelli died suddenly. He was one of my youth ministry heroes but more importantly, a personal friend. I went to the family funeral last week and it’s still difficult to believe that Mike is gone. My friendship with Mike started 17 years ago with a practical joke and ended with Mike praying for me a week before he died.…

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4 mins

Important vs. Most Important

Despite the fact that most youth workers take part in a variety of important activities, effective youth workers learn to focus on what is even more important. I want to share with you some of what I shared at our recent PDYM conference regarding important verses most important.…

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4 mins

Conflict Resolution

I just returned from our Mexico spring break mission trip exhausted when a parent met me in the parking lot screaming. A minute later she was in tears. I wanted to come home to a bunch of “thank you’s Doug”…well, I also wanted to come home to a huge bonus.…

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2 mins

Developing Student Leaders

It’s about that time of year now–right around Thanksgiving and Christmas–when your students who recently graduated from youth group come back to visit and check-in. After all the small talk, you’ll probably ask the question that’s been in the back of your mind ever since the conversation started.…

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2 mins

Deep Discipleship

I remember one time when we held a discipleship retreat for our students — but only about one-fifth of our regular students attended. For many youth workers, a turnout this low might arouse feelings of anguish and failure. I wasn’t surprised by the turnout, though, because the retreat called for a very big commitment from students.…

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