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Transition: Starting Out Right

Two years ago, I transitioned to a new ministry position. With the job change came a range of emotions—from excitement and enthusiasm to feeling overwhelmed. One day I would be enjoying the honeymoon, and the next day I would be wondering if God made His first mistake in history by leading me here.…

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3 mins

Somebody Hit the Cruise Control!

OK it’s not like I haven’t ever done anything strange or occasionally acted out in what might be considered quasi-psychotic ways, but the latest leak of the Cruise-ology video shows a side of Tommy that I really didn’t expect. Of course, Oprah couch leaping is one thing, but an 8 minute lecture on how Scientologists are the ‘only ones who can help’ and they can ‘create new realities’ goes waaaaay past nationally televised furniture games.…

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I Believe in Evolution

“I don’t get up in front of people, I don’t teach, and I definitely don’t lead small groups.” Ahhh, the words every new youth pastor loves to hear from an Adult Leader! It immediately became obvious that Jason (the Adult Leader who was so eloquently quoted) and I held very different views of youth ministry.…

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Know Your Purpose

Did you know that you are preserved for a purpose? What does purpose mean? To intend or plan The object for which something exists or is done. What does being preserved mean? To protect from harm & damage To keep from spoiling To prepare for future use Ps.…

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3 mins

Great News Mom and Dad!

It’s not car keys, cash, an endless supply of entertainment, or invites to killer parties. It’s not even hobbies or popularity that makes today’s youth the happiest. According to the latest research, it’s spending time with family! Jonathan starts off his training seminars with trivia based on current youth culture trends.…

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2 mins

Behind the Eight Ball

Who isn’t busy these days? Okay, maybe some monk in Tibet—but he’s probably just in denial. For most of us, the list of to do’s in ministry seems endless. There are retreats to be planned, students to meet with, Bible Studies to be prepared, and answers to be given as to why the window got broken last Wednesday night, etc.…

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