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1 min

Getting Through It

I’ve talked to several people over the past couple of weeks who are deeply struggling with some issues in their lives. By no means am I the world’s greatest counselor or pastor, but I really believe in some simple advice that we can give for anyone going through a difficult struggle, whether it’s internal or external.…

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5 mins

Excuses, Excuses

As I was reading my Bible the other day, I found myself in Exodus chapter 3—right when Moses was about to come face to face with a bush that was on fire, but was not being consumed. He didn’t know what to do with that, he didn’t have a context to put that one in.…

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5 mins

Girls kissing girls…

A few weeks ago, CPYU’s Chris Wagner gave me a heads-up about a new artist he thought was positioned to land very, very soon on the landscape of today’s youth culture in a big, loud way. He emailed me a link to the video “I Kissed a Girl” on Katy Perry’s website.…

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4 mins

Kung Fu Christian

Attention people! School is out and the plethora of summer movie offerings is already popping up in theaters like kiddie lemonade stands on thousands of suburban street corners across the USA. So which movies are you excited about? To be sure, this won’t be like last year of ‘3’s’ (Pirates 3, Shrek 3, Spidey 3, etc.,…

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5 mins

Usher takes a stand

Hypothetically. You just got married and became a parent for the first time, and you wanna release an album about your new life. Would your descriptions include “making love in a club,” or getting it on with your significant other by “trading places” sexually? 


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8 mins

Busting the Drop Out Myth

You’ve likely heard for years that 88 percent of churched high schoolers drop out of the church—permanently—by the time they graduate from college. Well, we challenged a class of youth ministry students at Bethel College in Indiana to either debunk or support the claim, and one student had no trouble blowing it out of the water.…

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