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The Main Thing

We’re in no hurry, God. We’re content to linger in the path sign-posted with your decisions. Who you are and what you’ve done are all we’ll ever want (Isaiah 26:8 MSG). Isaiah spoke of a time when the people of God would find complete rest and peace and hope in God.…

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2 mins

The Role of Parachurch Organizations in the Lives of College Students

If you look at the collegiate landscape you will notice a plethora of college ministries represented on campuses across America. A lot of these campus ministries are para-church organizations; most schools have the standard, Campus Crusade or Navigators ministries, some have Young Life which takes Christian College students and helps them invest their lives in the youth of the community.…

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4 mins

Power in Panic

We recently held an area wide youth worship service on the football field of our local high school. Two other youth pastors and I had planned, prepared, and pulled in every favor we could think of to make this night come together in spite of our budgets nearing $0 (mine already a little south of that mark).…

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3 mins

I Hate Leadership

Over the past few years, I have noticed more and more students telling me they not only don’t care about leadership, they actually hate it. How can you hate leadership? What did it ever do to you? As it turns out, lots of bad stuff.…

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I met God at a football game. A few weeks ago, I was asked to go to the U of M- Utah football game. My friend’s father had four season tickets for their family, and her brother and sister couldn’t make it.…

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4 mins

G. R. O. W.

In youth ministry, we often talk about having healthy and growing ministries. We all know that numbers do not always reflect the health or growth of a ministry. But if our ministries are not growing in their relationships (with students, parents, volunteers), ministry opportunities, biblical purposes, then there may be something hindering what God could be doing.…

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