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3 mins

Effective Family Ministry

In all my years as a youth minister I’ve never come across a book that has reflected an appropriate methodology for family ministry in our youth ministry. This has been a great challenge to myself and my volunteers. The more years we put in and the more hurt we saw, the louder the call became to work on the illness and not the symptom.…

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1 min

Short Term Mission Trips Work

I get excited about kids doing missions. With the exception of the moment a young person says “yes” to Jesus, a short term mission trip is probably the most memorable experience they will have in their youth ministry years. More than a lock-in, or a retreat, and certainly more than a thousand sermons or devotions (sorry, youth leaders, but it’s true).…

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2 mins

Teachable Moments

Teachable Moments By Gregg Farah As a youth worker, I’m called by God to love Him and serve others. One of the best ways to do that is to turn the interruptions, challenges, and frustrations of ministry and life into teachable moments.…

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2 mins

Volunteers…3 Simple Questions

I’ve often been asked what makes a good junior high volunteer. And the truth is I have often asked myself the very same question. If you’re like me you have probably had a few experiences where a volunteer you thought would be a great addition to your team turned out to be anything but.…

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8 mins

Fact or Fiction?

Salvaging Truth from Media Hype Teen pregnancy is on the rise! Wait, teen pregnancy is actually decreasing. Violent crime by teens is at epidemic levels! Sorry, it’s actually fading. These are just a couple “expert” opinions on youth culture. And don’t even get me started on supposed “rainbow parties.”…

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