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4 mins

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince–A Review

I’m willing to forgive much in movies based on books, such as the Harry Potter franchise. The actors are looking much older than their bookish counterparts—that’s understandable and unavoidable. And there simply has to be some cutting of threads and plots from the books—particularly from the middle of the series when the books were bloated, 800-page behemoths.…

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1 min

Long-Haul Love

I’ve counseled kids through almost every imaginable problem and cried through almost every type of tragedy. Solomon was right: There’s nothing new under the sun. So how do you keep your love for teenagers real? Back in college, I was on a bus returning from a ministry tour.…

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5 mins

Above Reproach

Researcher Dr. Leonard Sax, author of Why Gender Matters, says gender differences are hard-wired: “There do appear to be distinct differences that influence how boys and girls experience the typical school classroom; how they understand instructions to clean the room; and how they respond to emotionally arousing situations.”…

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2 mins

The Proposal

Rated PG-13 One of my favorite questions to ask people is what movie they’ve seen the most times in theaters. I think if you’re going to spend your money to see a movie multiple times, what you choose to see says a lot about you.…

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2 mins


As I’ve been watching students developed into leaders, I’ve noticed that their leadership skills grow in direct proportion to their growth in confidence. So how do we as youth leaders help our students grow in confidence? What are the intentional actions we need to take to help students believing in themselves?…

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