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Inglourious Basterds

(Rated R) There are lots of people (guys mostly) who are able to memorize and recite an endless amount of statistics about multiple sports, teams, and players. They can tell you the years that certain teams won championships, who scored when during certain games, and what records each of those players set.…

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1 min

What is God’s Melody for Me?

Hey Family! This one is for the parents and youth group leaders out there, because honestly, I can’t think of a single medium with more direct access to the hearts and minds of today’s young people than music. Even though God created everything good, and that no art-form is inherently evil, it is evident that man apart from Christ will use anything as an instrument of evil (especially the tongue), for selfish gain and to attack the Kingdom of God with force.…

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4 mins

What if Today Really Were Your Last Day?

Although they had a small-time start in Canada, they’re now huge in the U.S. Nickelback smashed onto the Billboard charts in 2001 with “How You Remind Me” and has convinced folks to buy more than 25 million albums since then. Included in Nickelback’s trophy case are accolades from the MTV Video Music Awards, the World Music Awards, the Billboard Music Awards, the Juno Awards, and several nods from the guys at the Grammy’s.…

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2 mins

Yes…It’s Almost Fall!

I’ve been a Kansas boy my whole life, so summer to me typically meant 100-plus degree weather and long days spent at the pool. As a kid, I loved the idea of being away from school and not having to do homework, but I wasn’t a huge fan of the heat and not seeing my friends every day.…

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1 min

Unconditional Love

Is it possible, to love unconditionally? With no strings attached? Or even sacrificially? That it costs so much it actually hurts? I mean, we all know of God’s sacrificial, unconditional love…but as we try to become more like Jesus, are we able to love like him?…

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1 min

Who Wins?

The influence of parents versus the influence of youth ministry: the “other” dualistic battle in youth ministry. A few years back a book was written about youth ministry that focused mainly on family. The book brought up a very good argument that was closely accurate when applied statistically.…

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