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Review: The Wolfman (R)

In recent years we’ve been treated to remakes of nearly all the classic monsters — Dracula, Frankenstein, and the Mummy–and now it’s the Wolfman’s turn.  Unfortunately, it’s a mixed bag–a film that’s not quite sure what it wants to be. The film starts well.…

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1 min

I’m Alive!

I confess…I love Animal Planet. Next to Food Network, it might be the most God-ordained network on television. Recently, I discovered a new show called “I’m Alive!” The show’s premise is stories about people who have survived, against all odds, the most harrowing of life-altering experiences.…

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2 mins

2020: Seeing into the Future

One of the most difficult things to get teenagers to do is to think about the future. They live in the now! As this new decade has started many have talked about what our world will look like in 2020. Many predictions about the economy, climate, and status of our country have been made.…

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4 mins

Pray for Haiti…Talk to Your Friends

Pray for Haiti and give till it hurts, but let this horrible tragedy remind you that there are spiritual earthquakes happening everyday in the lives of your friends who don’t know Jesus. Calamity… Do you know this word? The dictionary defines it as: “An event that brings terrible loss, lasting distress, or severe affliction; a disaster” (…

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1 min

Lessons Learned from a Walk In Clinic

It’s the most…cough, cough…wonderful time…sneeze…of the year. With all the songs, turkeys and decorations, comes a flood of sickness, flu’s and other annoying things. And this year is no exception with the whole “H1N1” ordeal. As I was sitting in the walk-in clinic the other day, I was drawn to how similar a walk-in clinic can be to a youth ministry.…

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2 mins

Leadership Part 3–Student Leaders

I LOVE Students who lead the way. I LOVE seeing students embrace their faith holistically without compartmentalizing their relationship with Christ and their everyday life. I LOVE seeing students model to friends, peers and strangers what following Jesus is. I LOVE sitting in a room with a handful of students who are teachable & wanting to be used by God to impact their world and I LOVE teaming with these students in any way possible in life.…

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1 min

Girls Night Out

You may be wondering why I feel so compelled to write a column on ministry to girls? Here’s my story: Growing up, I felt I needed to prove myself-in school, in sports, and especially in the church. It felt like most of the leaders were men and their attention went straight to the guys in our group; the girls were often an afterthought.…

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4 mins

The Gospel is Afoot!

It’s official… Robert Downey Jr. is more than Iron Man. He’s actor man and mega kudos to him for bringing back one of the coolest characters in all of literary history: Sherlock Holmes. If you didn’t know, the tales of this incredible detective’s adventures have been around for over 120 years.…

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