I gave up a TV show I love
I made a good decision this weekend, but it took me a bit too long to make it. I decided to stop watching a show I used to love. Several years ago, I went through a real intense growth period in my Christian life.…
I made a good decision this weekend, but it took me a bit too long to make it. I decided to stop watching a show I used to love. Several years ago, I went through a real intense growth period in my Christian life.…
Pornography continues to claim the minds of students, adults, and even ministers around the world. I must admit, I have had my fair share of pornography struggles over the years. For many years I attempted to overcome this addiction on my own only to find myself constantly feeling defeated and believing I was a failure.…
I confess…I love Animal Planet. Next to Food Network, it might be the most God-ordained network on television. Recently, I discovered a new show called “I’m Alive!” The show’s premise is stories about people who have survived, against all odds, the most harrowing of life-altering experiences.…
With all the different entertainment and media outlets, we live in such a visual age. Movies are bigger, TV is grander, and information is sent out at the speed of light. It’s exhausting just trying to keep up! So as ministers, how can we compete?…
I have a love/hate relationship with marketing. I love the concept because marketing is usually a primary force in the process of getting a message, product or idea out to large quantities of people. I hate the concept because when successful, it has a strange way of shortening the shelf life of things because the large quantities of people it helped a message, product or idea get to often get tired of said message, product or idea due to the market being over-saturated.…
Want to advertise or have questions? Contact Ben our Ad brainiac! Ben Reynolds 970.292.4675 breynolds@group.com…
-This is a great, fun game for leading into topics like spiritual warfare, reaching the lost, etc. -This is best played with low lights and room to run and hide. You will need enough glow bracelets for everyone once they, “find the light”.…
Typically, it’s from a couch, behind a music stand, in the middle of a home renovation, at a restaurant or around a campfire. The youth pastors pulpit can and has been anywhere and everywhere. If youth frequent a location or have established a comfortable spot to be open and trusting…well that’s where we’ll worship.…
Every year our church allows the middle school ministry to run “Big Church” (the main Sunday services). I try to get a group of current 8th-graders together to pray, plan, and present the message for that Sunday. This year as we were brain storming together one of my kids started to talk about impossible things that God can do and I thought about that word.…
Recently, after speaking to a group of middle school students, I asked a girl how I could make my message better. She replied, “Well…don’t be afraid to cuss every once and a while.” I didn’t realize that my speaking was so dry that our students wish that I would just cuss a little to spice things up. …