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Coaching Network

Coaching Network We have the privilege to rub shoulders with a world class team of youth ministry coaches. All of these leaders have a passion for youth ministry, innovative thinking, deep ministry experience, profound wisdom and most importantly, great hearts for Jesus.…

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The Leader’s Pace

“Let’s roll.” “C’mon you guys!” “Hurry up!” “You guys are lagging behind.” “Keep up.” “Stay together.” “We’re going to miss our train!” These are phrases that I often find myself saying and repeating when leading a group—whether it’s on a missions trip in another country, in New York City, or even right here in Smithtown.…

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Surrender. What a “losing” kind of word. White flags. Giving up. Captive in enemy territory. Someone told me this week that I wasn’t very good at surrendering. I scoffed. “You’ve obviously never seen me play Monopoly…or try to win an argument with my wife…or endeavor to lose 20 pounds.…

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Engage Your Identity

Have you ever noticed the oddness of a single piece of a jigsaw puzzle? It has no basic shape, pieces are cut out around it, and there are weird balloon-like protrusions jutting out from its sides. Imagine stumbling upon one of these pieces by itself and not knowing that it’s a piece to a puzzle.…

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