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small group leader training that works

The training of other leaders is a crucial element within a healthy youth ministry because there’s too much work for one leader to accomplish! Since there is no “one way” to train small group leaders, here are a few big-picture ideas that have shaped our thinking in training small group leaders: Keep the training short and simple.…

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We hear them all the time. We hear them in our cars, at retail stores, or possibly in the event of a tornado. Sometimes, we may even ignore them; specifically, in the morning hours as we hit a large button named “Snooze.”…

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OUCH! why the critics squawk

If you’re a leader you can’t escape it—you will be criticized. Criticism is aimed at leaders because everyone (including leaders) is imperfect and hurting and hurting people end up hurting others. At the beginning of one’s leadership journey it’s very difficult to try to separate personalized criticism into a truth or untruth category–criticism jumps straight to personal hurt.…

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“How do youth workers thrive amidst the demands of ministry?” That’s a question we need to ask—as early as possible—so that the ministries we’re a part of are characterized by both effectiveness and longevity.  Often, we’re obsessed with effectiveness: “How do we run our small groups better?”…

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