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2 mins

How to Use Your Day Off

Messages are prepped, Small Group leaders have been communicated with, staff meetings are over, the critical emails have been answered, and now it’s time for you day off. You do take days off, right? Well here are a couple ideas for how to take full advantage of that time.…

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8 mins

The Lies We Buy About Youth Ministry

Editor’s Note: This article first appeared in the September/October 2010 issue of Group Magazine. Go to to subscribe. Ever had a neighbor who played his music so loud you could feel the vibrations in your fingernails? That guy probably played music you hate, and you had to listen to it all the time.…

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3 mins

Pastor’s Kids Gone Wild

Editor’s Note: A few years ago Jonathan Acuff launched a little Web site called as a way to riff on the peculiar ways Christians think, talk, and act. Now, fueled by 730,000 online readers in 209 countries, Acuff has published a book titled Stuff Christians Like (Zondervan) as a “field guide to all things Christian.”…

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2 mins

counseling 101: teenagers and discouragement

For some teenagers, the weight of the world keeps them focused on their overwhelming problems, resulting in varying degrees of sadness and discouragement. The destructive power of depression results in loneliness and isolation. Much of what we wrote about this week will also apply when ministering to a student struggling with depression: engage and be present, listen well, and connect/refer them to professional help if the problem is serious.…

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2 mins

counseling 101: teenagers and pain

Most youth workers learn quickly that they don’t have to look very far beneath the surface of a teenager’s life before they discover pain. Lurking below the surface is often an emotional pain that is debilitating and numbing. This week we are going to cover some basic counseling tips that we believe are fundamental for ministering to teenagers.…

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